About Us

ConexionEs Spanish School, is a place where you will learn the Spanish language and culture, in a friendly way, with the use of the best educational tools.

Would you like to speak fluently and correctly with native Spanish speakers? We know that it is and we want to accompany you on this great adventure.

Who We Are

We provide professional services in the area of ​​Spanish as a Second Language or Foreign Language, including consultancies, classes (face-to-face and online), in the learning of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) and those related to them.



ConexionES Spanish School is a company that is dedicated to developing specialized plans and programs in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) in its face-to-face and virtual modalities in Mexico and abroad.



By 2030, ConexionES Spanish School will be a leading company in Mexico, the United States, Canada and Europe in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) with pedagogical quality programs corresponding to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and of the American Association for the Teaching of Foreign Languages ​​(ACTFL) and its associates.

Why Choose Us

we are a Spanish school for foreigners specialized in the Spanish language, we have teachers with more than 20 years of experience and specialized advisers

We are ready to help you find the program that fits your needs.

Contact us



40260, Juan Ruiz de Alarcón 9, Interior L – 238, Barrio de la Veracruz, Taxco Guerrero. Plaza Taxco.


(+52) 777 613 0672